
On Kubernetes

Thoughts on messing about with Kuberenetes and the surrounding ecosystem


Tip: Close all file in VSCode without saving

A quick tip for when you accidentally make changes to 100's of files in Visual Studio Code and don't want to save them.


APIs vs Microservices

A brief discussion on the difference and similarities of APIs and Microservices


How to: Encryption at Rest on AWS

How to add encryption at rest for most of the commonly used AWS services.


.Net in a Serverless World

Using .Net Core on AWS Lambda can be a nice experience.


Isomorphic React from Scratch: Hello Isomorphism

This is my journey learning what isomorphic javscript is and how one would go about building a site or application the way the cool kids do.


Python Meta-Programming with APIs

Meta-programming techniques can help turn some very ugly, repetative code into simple, beautiful code that is considerably easier to use. This article will show the application of some basic python meta-programming techniques and how they were used to put a pythonic interface atop an obviously java based API.
